MORE GOAL MODELS (Colin Cox @ kolzkollekshn)

I seem to be on bit of run with this goal setting stuff. This is my 4th blog on tips and technques on how to do goal setting and planning and I’m sure I’m going to write another after this!

So… read each of them and take from them what works for you in the coaching situation you find yourself.

Trainers: This is an often needed training program so I’m confident there’s info here that will add to what you currently do in delivering goal setting & goal getting for your clients.

I’m not convinced that any one of the models I’ve presented are complete in themselves, yet combined they are exceptional.

This is my version of the SCORE model popularly found in NLP and orginated from Robert Dilts of the USA. It’s a simple model (always my preference), yet very effective (a great combination).

The S.C.O.R.E Model:


This is about the current situation your coaching client faces. The problem on hand – now. The way things are for your client NOW. Each of the components of SCORE have a specific time frame you need to be aware of. Exploring the SITUATION is about discovering what’s happening in the moment. What are they faced with? How bad is it or not? By doing this you can create a strong move away from if it’s a bad situation or a situation that they wish to address i.e. they be doing well and would like to be doing much better.

The questioning that you do at this stage will give you a great deal of information. As you do and find out what they are experiencing, you’ll also discover what possible options emerge to assist them to improve the situation they find themselves in.


This is about what has happened that lead to or caused (another “c”) the current situation that they have. Your questions at this stage are about the past. Questions that discover what has happened to cause the current situation are asked of your client.

  • What caused this?
  • How long has this been happening?
  • What decisions have lead to the situation?
  • What are the circumstances that happened to create this situation?
These questions plus the one’s you have asked about the current situation, gather information to assist you in finding a way forward. Not in all situations is it necessary for you to find the “cause”. It most definitely is possible for us to coach a person to a solution, without knowing the cause or circumstances of “why” they have the situation.

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