How does it really works?
What actually brings out the highest and the best in monkeys?
What is the leverage point that empowers monkeys to begin releasing their crazy love for bananas within them?
I leave Dr. Michael Hall explain the three stages (it works for humans too!!!):
The drama here is to recognize and own your powers for creating meaning.
It’s mental and conceptual. (Michael Hall)
The drama here is to embrace your powers, needs, drives, talents, strengths, weaknesses, and to hold a space within so that you let what you know change and transform you. Here we enter the crucible for continuous transformation as you keep learning how to be and how to become.
It’s emotional and highly personal. (Michael Hall)
The drama here is that of uniting or synthesizing the meaningful challenges of life with our competency of performing. Here we give evidence of the flow state through your focus, love and humor.
It’s experience and performance. (Michael Hall)
Now, after the video, you’re ready for the Zone.
You’re ready for action… you’re ready to externalize your inner love for… bananas!!!
Everyone as best he can!
Have Joy